Kenshiro Kasumi

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Kasumi (霞) family name, Kenshiro (ケンシロウ) first name

Kinbakushi at Hojo Kinbaku STUDIO Bijo



Alternate Name(s)

霞ケンシロウ (Japanese)


Born in Chiba.

Learns kinbaku while in high school.

Makes debut in kinbaku in the opener of an adult movie.

2006: After a 20 year break, resumes kinbaku activities.

2008(c): Starts a kinbaku class for beginners.

2014: Nov. Supervises the first annual "Rope People Association" event at Nanchatte BAR Niwa.[1]

Interesting point(s)

Selected Works


  1. Appearances by Ryo, YAGIE&Rie, Haru Tenma, Hanji&Kaede and Kenshiro Kasumi&Mio.


External Links